
Schreiber - Frese

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Birthdays and events of living persons have been excluded

Index of Names: ( , ? A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z

Zabel, Anna ( - )
Zant, Ursula ( - )
Zayas, Marian
Zerssen, von, Arnd VI (abt 1325 - 1401)
Zerssen, von, Arnold II ( - )
Zerssen, von, Floreke I ( - )
Zerssen, von, Ilsa ( - 20 Mar 1547)
Zerssen, von, Ludwig I ( - 1350)
Zerssen, von, Ludwig VI ( - )
Zerssen, von, Walter I ( - )
Zerssen, von, Walther II (oder Arnold I) ( - )
Ziegenhirt geb. Horn, Dorothea Elisabeth I (3 Sep 1799 - 30 Apr 1874)
Zieritz, Bernhard (Berend) Cheres gen., auch Ziritß ( - )
Zieritz, Bernhard Scheres gen. ( - 26 Apr 1663) Birth: Neustadt Brandenburg
Zieritz, Catharina (25 Nov 1587 - 20 May 1618) Birth: Neustadt Brandenburg
Zieritz, Elisabeth ( - 15 Jul 1666) Birth: Brandenburg - Neustadt
Zieritz, Jeremias ( - )
Zieritz, Margarethe ( - )
Zülich, Catharina Sophia (4 Aug 1689 - 26 May 1708) Birth: Jena
Zülich, Michael ( - )

If you have any information or connections to the above individuals, please let me know. Thank you.

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